First flowers appearing on the Fava beans, on the first sowing made back in Mid-October.

The Kale/Fava/Pea bed looks nice against the Autumn leaves.

This is an experiment in times to plant Favas and Kale (Kale should have been sown earlier, I think; I have only started any reasonable harvesting since Christmas (2 meals), and its still small. We'll see how the Favas go, but the fact that they have flowers is positive. Lets hope there are some bees hanging around, or hummingbirds. This year we havent had much rain yet, I'm watering the crops. The nights are fairly cold, bundle-up weather, but it could be mistaken for spring. I suppose I really should be recording temperatures to do a real experiment.
Its also an experiment in interplanting Favas (provide nitrogen), Kale (use nitrogen, and may help hold up the Favas, and Peas (add support AND provide nitrogen). The idea was supposed to be that the Favas would take over once the Kale was pretty much over, but I think for that, the Kale needs to be planted earlier.