Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brussels Sprouts planted out

I'm trying to manage the transition between summer and the cool season better this year, so about a month back I sowed some Brussels Sprouts seeds and later pricked them out into pots. So now came the hard part, ripping up crops that are still bearing to make way for something that isnt (yet). Fortunately, the french beans made it easy. They have been pretty much a disaster since the get go, and each plant has produced no more than about 5-10 beans each.

I need to work on why that was (there are several possibilities), but rather than have them take another month to produce one more meal, out they went.

Now there are 16 Brussels Sprouts enjoying the spot, hopefully to do a little better. One of the problems that may have caused poor bean growth is of course that this area only gets about 4 hours of direct sunlight a day, but hopefully, as Brussels Sprouts are a cool season crop, they wont mind too much. The shade will disappear in November when the leaves fall. I still have more plants to deal with, but there are more beans in other spots not doing much :)

The Zucchini have slowed down greatly, and as I used the last of the seed this year, I left one or two to go to seed. They dont appear to be an F1, so the seed should work. Overall, I suspect the slowness of the Zucchini this year is their rotation into the semi-shade beds, but to be fair, I wasn't short of them this year; I gave away two thirds of the crop. I'm beginning to notice some mildew spots appearing, and thats usually the sign of the season nearing an end. Maybe next year I'll try one in a bucket to see how well it does.

The Leeks are still too wispy to think of planting out, but there is plenty of time yet.

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