Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fall Planting

Todays plantings near the vine: very dry, hot area in summer, south facing.
Sowed some sugar snap peas at the back (Oregon Sugar Pod II), supposed to be 28" high. In front of this, planted the shallots that grew so well this year in the same area, with a couple of lines of garlic in front.

The previous sowings of carrots and lettuce havent come up, so I'll have to sort something out there. The carrot seed was my own (F1 hybrid parents perhaps?), and the lettuce was bought in January, so perhaps freshness is the problem there.

The tomatoes are still bearing, although the last few fruit are taking ages to ripen. Still, it's nice to have a few garden tomatoes in December. Other than that, the only things really growing at the moment are the Leeks and Parsley, both of which are doing well. Some radishes are growing slowly.