Sunday, January 30, 2011

End-of-January update

The broad beans are showing about an inch; about 20 of them so far.
The radishes and lettuce sown in the open ground came to more or less nothing, while the lettuce sown in compost (Tom Thumb) in plastic boxes w/lids are tiny seedlings. The leeks are still moving forwards, and should be ready for some thinning/harvesting this month, with luck. Note to self: For ground cover/winter harvest so far, I can recommend late autumn transplants of Parley and Leek, and sowings of Rocket. Hopefully I will add some other types to this next year.

The peas arent doing that much yet, neither the first nor second sowings. They do seem to be germinating though. The first sowing showed some losses due to suspected slug attack.

The late fall compost pile is starting to look good, and may be ready for spring use.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New year sowings

Broad beans sown ~Jan 5, Tom Thumb Lettuce ~ Jan 1. I hate using slug pellets, but I'm sick of seeing every green vegetable sprout taken out when there is a whole lawn full of weeds.